Vehicle Storage in Orange County, CA
With our storage facilities in Orange County, you won’t have to worry about your garage being too full of cars, outdoor gear, and other things. We offer affordable prices, flexible leases, and easy online payments, so storing your car is simple. At Total Storage Solutions, you can create space in your garage and simplify your daily life. Enjoy hassle-free vehicle storage without dealing with street parking, crowded driveways, or additional fees from your homeowner’s association.
Types of Vehicle Storage
These are the available options for parking your vehicle at one of our storage facilities:
- Outdoor parking. This solution quickly frees up your garage space by giving you a parking spot in an outdoor lot. It’s the most affordable way to store your car, keeping it secure while giving you easy access, which is perfect for vehicles you use often.
- Covered parking. These spaces have a roof that shields your vehicle from direct impacts from the weather.
- Indoor parking. These enclosed storage units are easy to get to and offer excellent added protection from the weather.
Boat Storage
It’s important to store your boat when unused so it can be ready for your next aquatic getaway. Our boat storage helps keep your boat properly maintained and ready to go all year, whether you need to store it for a long time during the offseason or just want a convenient place to park between trips.
RV Storage
Our RV storage provides a suitable space to store your oversized vehicle when you’re not using it, so you don’t have to worry about finding room at home. No matter the size of your recreational vehicle, we’ll provide you with the proper storage space to keep your RV until your next adventure!
Where To Find Vehicle Storage in Orange County, CA
If you need vehicle storage in Orange County, CA, there are many convenient options, each with different sizes to fit your needs. You can park your boat, car, or RV at these places:
Pick one of our California storage facilities that’s best for you.
Benefits of Vehicle Storage
Vehicle storage gives you more space in your garage or driveway to keep things organized. Thankfully, your vehicle has added protection with various secure storage features. There are also many storage options with flexible plans and simple access to your vehicle. Storing your vehicle away can also help it last longer by reducing wear and tear.
Vehicle Storage for Rent in Orange County, CA
Get started with our storage options today. Contact us today to reserve or rent a storage unit to give your vehicle a home away from home. Our self storage facilities in Orange County, CA, offer different sizes and storage options to fit your needs. For more information, check out our blog.